While working on a SwiftUI view, I needed a way for aligning views in different stacks in a way that they are centred. Most of the time I can get away using default alignment values, what HStack and VStack provide. In that case I had two views in different stacks and I needed a way to centre align these views. Here is a view which has three labels in one VStack and 2 texts with an image in another VStack. This is just an example view for illustrating the real world case. The question is, how to align the top text “Hello, world!” with the image so that both are centre aligned.
The answer is to use alignment guides. If combining VStacks and HStacks does not work out, then we can take one step further and define a custom alignment for our views.
That is all what it takes to create a custom vertical alignment. I like to keep custom alignments private, therefore the extension is marked as private.
The next step is hooking it up. We need common ancestor HStack to use the new alignment and the views, which need to be aligned, must use the alignment guide. Here is all the code which illustrates the case.
If this was helpful, please let me know on Mastodon@toomasvahter or Twitter @toomasvahter. Feel free to subscribe to RSS feed. Thank you for reading.
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